KaizenGallery - Fonds Estarella
Estarella FUND, Old european engravings
With permission of the owner
Private collection under copyright - Fonds privé soumis à copyright: contact
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Part One: French engravings and drawings
(see also: French drawings, "psautiers" of the middle-age)
Files: MARILHAT Pierre (7) - MARTIN Pierre, Hector, Hugues, Henri (8) - MARVY (21) - MAXENCE (1)- MEDAR Jean Jacques (1) - MEISSONNIER (5) - MENARD (2) - van der MEULEN (1) - MEUNIER (1) - MICHEL Emile (3) - MICHELIN Jules (5) - MIGNARD, Nicolas, Pierre (5) - MILLET Jean François (51) - MONET Claude(17) - MONTICELLI (2) - MOREAU Louis Gabriel, Jean Michel "le Jeune", Gustave (20) -
Maxence, painter and editor
Faunesse, 1907 |
Marilhat - return top
Pierre 1811-1847
Salon of 1836, "Crépuscule", lithography by Frey |
"le gué" |
"Thiers, Puy de Dôme", engraver: Louis Marvy |
"Paysage", lithography by Laurens |
"Paysage du Berry", aquatinte Boursod |
"Crépuscule" |
"Cour de ferme en Auvergne", engraving stone by Louis Marvy |
Martin - return top
Hector 1825-1846 (self lithograph), Henri (birth in Toulouse, France 1860, died in Labastide du vert 1943), Hugues, Pierre
Hector, "Pêcheur Champenois", L'Artiste mag. |
Hector, "Sur le midi", L'Artiste mag. |
Hector, "Un chemin" |
Hector, "Métaierie Bourbonnaise, L'Artiste mag. |
Henri, "Mysticisme", heliogravure Estang
Hugues, "Danse antique", lithography by Anastasi |
Hugues, "Caravane dans l'Inde", lithography by Anastasi |
Pierre, "Scène de chasse du prince de Condé" |
Marvy - return top
Louis 1815-1850, engraver (engravings and lithographies), included: an original serie of 10 engravings, copper engraved and acid bath, n° 1/10 to 10/10
Copper engraved and acid bath, 10/10 |
Copper engraved and acid bath, mould-made watercolour sheet, press n°2, 2/10 |
Copper engraved and acid bath, 9/10
Copper engraved and acid bath, 8/10 |
Copper engraved and acid bath, 7/10 |
Copper engraved and acid bath, 6/10 |
Coper engraved and acid bath, 5/10 |
Copper engraved and acid bath, 4/10 |
Copper engraved and acid bath, 3/10 |
Copper engraved and acid bath, 1/10 |
Double copper, aquatinte on velin |
Copper engraved |
Double copper, detail |
Double copper, detail |
"Montmartre 1850", lithography |
Lithography |
Copper engraved on velin |
Lithography |
Lithography |
"La mare aux écrevisses, vallée de Jouy", lithography, L'Artiste mag. |
Copper engraved, cold press paper, press n°1 |
Medar - return top
"Jeune femme en robe rouge", 1771 |
Meissonnier - return top
Ernest, Lyon 1815 Paris 1891
Lithography by Nanteuil |
"Une lecture chez Diderot", lithograhy on velin 1852 |
Self portrait, 1881, original text= "Mon cher Chenavaud,que ce croquis témoigne toujours de notre vieille et bien bonne amitié", Lyon museum |
Sketch for the painting "Les joueurs de boule à Saint Germain", 1854, Lyon museum |
(under discussion) |
"Crépuscule", 1860, héliogravure Chauvet |
Adam-francois, Brussels 1632 - 1690
"Louis XIV à cheval", Dijon museum |
1660 ?-1720
"Le concert après diner", Meunier et Pater |
Emile 1828 - 1909, Master of the Metz's school- Jules
Emile, "Avril", Salon of 1887 |
Emile, "Barbizon 1885", or "L'arbre mort, en forêt de Fontainebleau", Salon of 1885 |
Jules, "Aux environs de montmartre", Louvre museum |
Jules 1820-1870
Lithography by the author |
detail |
detail |
Lithography by the author, "Forêt de Sénart" |
Lithography by the author, "Prairies" |
detail |
detail |
"Rivière d'Yères", written from right to left, in the right corner of the paper, lithography by the author |
Lithography by the author, "Michelin - 1868.Juin |
Nicolas, Troyes 07/02/1606 - 20/03/1668, Pierre Mignard "le Romain", Troyes 07/11/1612 - Paris 30/05/1695, favourite painter of the king Louis XIV.
Nicolas, "Henriette d'Orleans-Windsor" |
Nicolas, "Molière", Aumale Collection |
Nicolas, "Henriette Anne Stuart, duchesse d'Orléans" |
Pierre, "Anne d'Autriche" |
Pierre, "Marie Mancini" |
Claude 1840
Monticelli - return top
Adolphe Joseph Thomas, 1824 - 1886, "Provençal" painter
"Enfants jouant dans un pré", lithography Georges Petit |
"Messidor", heliogravure Chauvet |
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